Title: Complicated Chapter: 2 Rating: R for sexytimes Fandom: Grey's Anatomy Pairing: Mark and Teddy. Some Callie/Arizona. Disclaimer: None of it belongs to me. Summary: Takes place after 7x21. onlywordsnow wanted me to write this so I am. I'm sure there will be a chapter 2. Its all up to what she wants me to write.
Title: Complicated Chapter: 1 Rating: PG-13/Rish Fandom: Grey's Anatomy Pairing: Mark and Teddy. Some Callie/Arizona. Disclaimer: None of it belongs to me. Summary: Takes place after 7x21. onlywordsnow wanted me to write this so I am. I'm sure there will be a chapter 2. Its all up to what she wants me to write.
If you know me, you know I'm a huge Mark/Teddy shipper. And they ate lunch together with Callie and Arizona. They're soooo secretly dating. Like, Seriously. (let me live my dream, people)
Grey's promo pics came out as did House promos and a preview (its really just Huddy though). I found pics and made icons. I seem to have a bias to Teddy seeing as I made 6 Teddy icons lol. Enjoy
Disclaimer: All belongs to Shonda Rating: K+ Author: alygator Pairing: Mark and Teddy Fandom: Grey's Anatomy Summary: Mark and Teddy angst then fluff. Established relationship.